The new interface makes everything easier. Office2007-like simple and visible - all options are there for you. nothing is hidden in menus or sub-options.
VISTA Compatibility
Wedding Assistant is fully compatible with Microsoft VISTA, the new Windows version.
Help is all around
Clarifying tips are spread throughout Wedding Assistant, making every feature and every option clearer, without having to open manuals and look for help.
In the following screenshot, the mouse cursor was on "learn more about splitting a Transaction Between budget items". Delaying on that text, immediately pops up the window explaining about the feauture.
Full Demo to play with
Simply click on WA Full Demo and get a fully populated version of Wedding Assistant, demonstrating all features in use, full budget and expenses, seating arrangement, giFT assignment. It's like a playground, for everyone to enjoy and learn how to experience planning with Wedding Assistant.
Just Create the perfect updos for your wedding